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Chris Johnson[edit]

How I come to be here[edit]

After reading an article about the self-healing nature of Wikipedia I decided to use Wikipedia as my introduction to the whole "Wiki" scene. I made a small number of updates here and on Wikinews for a while, then moved away

Return in 2016[edit]

After deploying a MediaWiki VM based on a TurnKey Linux Virtual Appliance Library ISO as a draft Knowledge Base to collect information at a new job, I decided to dust off my old Wikipedia account and see if there's anything I can contribute to. In 2017 I got into genealogy and WikiTree, then back into Wikipedia. After significantly reducing my time on Reddit due to /r/the_donald, I decided to spend more time back in the wiki world.

Public Domain[edit]

All of my contributions to Wikipedia are public domain. Use, abuse, whatever.

Current Interests[edit]

Due to my genealogy activities, I'm particularly interested in major events from 1500-ish to around my birth (late 1900s) that affected the movement of people. Social and political upheaval, technical advancements, colonization, disease and more. I'm aiming to produce a timeline of things that affected people.