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Just discovered this site today (24 May, 2002), and am very intrigued indeed!

Naturally, I checked one of my favourite subjects first (Val Kilmer) and upon finding that no one had written an article about him yet, I proceeded to go ahead and do it myself! Trust me to jump right in like that. . . .

About me:

Runegirl means "mystery girl" for anyone who cares. I live in Canada. Any spelling "errors" I make are probably Canadian spellings.  :) I have degrees in English and English education, so I feel extra-qualified to contribute at this site. I use the internet mostly for email, research, checking out the Religion Forum at SelectSmart.com (lots of interesting discussion goes on there, although they recently had a carsh-and-burn that deleted *all* their postings for the past few months), and for checking the few groups at Yahoo! that I belong to.

Most recent accomplishment: that Val Kilmer article I just wrote? I "validated" it (that's wiki-ish for spell-check or something, right?) and was told I had No Errors. *grins*

Now that I've found this place, I might just move in and make myself at home. Shove over and clean the spilled popcorn off the couch, and hand me the remote, wouldja?  :)

Looking forward to doing lots more exploring/writing/reading/meeting people soon!