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About Me[edit]

Medium-sized human male of the geekus genus. Evolution of homo sapiens sapiens including nerdy social behaviour, continuous critical thinking, and a pocket pc embedded in the hip.

Favourite Quotes[edit]

"People hardly ever make use of the freedom they have. For example, the freedom of thought. Instead they demand freedom of speech as a compensation." - Søren Kierkegaard

"It's like kind of like the Republican party; everybody has to have a little religion." - Prof. Grantham

"J'aime mes femmes comme j'aime mon café: chaud -- avec une cuillère dedans." - Eddie Izzard

"Well, Mr. cat burglar: it looks like you've been caught by the very person who was trying to catch you. How ironic." - Homer Jay Simpson

"If Karl, instead of writing a lot about capital, had made a lot of it, it would have been much better." - Karl Marx 's Mother

"I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat." - Will Rogers

"When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it." - Clarence Darrow