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[23|15:35] <_sj_wiki> can someone tweak the upload size limit for commons to 35M or so, for a little while at least?
[23|15:37] <JeLuF> sj: 35MB? What do you want to upload? Movies?
[23|15:37] <_sj_wiki> long sound files
[23|15:37] <_sj_wiki> conference transcripts.
[23|15:37] <Duesentrieb> _sj_wiki: a wikimedia-conference?
[23|15:37] <_sj_wiki> 20-35 MB ogg files from 60-120min sessions...
[23|15:37] <_sj_wiki> jimbo moderated one of the sessions
[23|15:37] <_sj_wiki> it was about credibility on the web
[23|15:38] <_sj_wiki> credibility and journalism, etc.  relevant and full of discussion about licensing and freedom of content
[23|15:38] <_sj_wiki> 16 hours of conference in all,
[23|15:38] <Duesentrieb> _sj_wiki: it would be best to split them into chunks i think
[23|15:38] <_sj_wiki> broken into 4-5 segments/sessions.
[23|15:38] <_sj_wiki> well... I only have the ogg files.
[23|15:38] <Duesentrieb> also because people can download them more easily
[23|15:38] <_sj_wiki> if you ahve a ncie way to chunk them, let me knowl
[23|15:38] <OldakQuill> Can only developers change upload limits?
[23|15:39] <_sj_wiki> but I'd like to have the full sessions up too,
[23|15:39] <Duesentrieb> if you put a short description on the files saying what topic each chunk is about
[23|15:39] <_sj_wiki> since it's easy to listen to a whole session at a time
[23|15:39] <Duesentrieb> bandwidth-chalanged folx will not have to download everything.
[23|15:39] <_sj_wiki> w/out changing files.
[23|15:39] <_sj_wiki> right, we should offer both.
[23|15:39] <_sj_wiki> right now I only have access to the full files.
[23|15:39] <Amgine> <note to self: figure out how to add streaming to mediawiki>
[23|15:39] <OldakQuill> _sj_wiki - if you cannot resolve the issue by altering upload limit, you could segment the file
[23|15:39] <OldakQuill> Into two parts
[23|15:40] <_sj_wiki> amgine:  indeed :)
[23|15:40] <Duesentrieb> _sj_wiki: "changing files " is just a matter of creating a playlist. All players do that
[23|15:40] <_sj_wiki> Duesentrieb: the chunking has to be done carefully then.
[23|15:40] <Duesentrieb> _sj_wiki: nit in mid-sentence anyway. Best at some change of topic.
[23|15:40] <_sj_wiki> anyway, throwing it out there.
[23|15:41] <_sj_wiki> the files are here:
[23|15:41] <_sj_wiki> http://zak.freeshell.org/ogg/
[23|15:41] <Duesentrieb> hm, afaik, you can cut mp3s in mid-file without breaking them, 'cause it's a streaming-format.
[23|15:41] <Duesentrieb> not sure about ogg, though