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User:Summerprince/Gentleman's Club

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1. A paradigm is a. someone’s view of someone or something. b. a negative attitude. c. a brief period of depression and lethargy. d. an unfounded hatred of someone. 2. A paradigm shift is a. when an attitude of yours turns negative. b. an action you know is wrong, but you do anyway. c. when you see something or someone in a new light. d. when you suddenly feel tired. 3. Which of the following is one of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens? a. Don’t Cooperate. b. Think Win-Lose. c. Begin with the End in Mind. d. React. 4. Which of the following is not one of the three types of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens? a. Private Victory. b. Public Victory. c. Success. d. Renewal. 5. A parent-centered person a. wants to someday be a parent. b. feels that the approval of a parent is necessary in all things. c. loves their parents. d. endures very strict rules enforced by his or her parents. 6. A person who suffers abuse should a. tell someone they love. b. confront the abuser. c. keep it to themselves and endure it. d. take out their frustration on others. 7. Which of the following is a bad habit? a. Taking a shower at night. b. Enjoying nudist activities. c. Thinking negatively. d. Sodomy. 8. Which of the following may help you learn better? a. Studying non-stop. b. Drinking lots of caffeine. c. Taking a cold shower before you go to school each day. d. Visualizing yourself successfully performing a task. 9. A volunteer a. is any of a number of systems used to measure the risk of occupational hazard in an environment. b. does work without being paid. c. sticks to his principles. d. is a person who believes he cannot succeed at anything. 10. An organization that comprises all the businesses and labor within a particular industry is called a a. sector council. b. industrial collective. c. republic. d. trade union. 11. Which of the following will, ultimately, contribute to your personal bank account the most? a. A small act of kindness. b. Indulging of alcohol. c. A random act of sodomy. d. Playing video games for nineteen hours. 12. Proactive people behave most like a. shaken Pepsi. b. a raging fire. c. an expanding glacier. d. still water. 13. Someone with low willpower a. is not healthy enough, and should do more exercise b. feels abused. c. can’t seem to make choices. d. hates structure. 14. An enemy-centered person is a. aggressive. b. hateful. c. asocial. d. [All of the above]. 15. A stuff-centered person is a. greedy. b. materialistic. c. never satisfied. d. [All of the above]. 16. Coachable people are a. able to teach others. b. able to be taught by others. c. from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. d. great at formulating long-term strategies for success. 17. A general agreement is known as a a. negotiation. b. deux ex machina. c. resolution. d. consensus. 18. Which of the following is not essential for communication? a. Sender. b. Receiver. c. Sound. d. Message. 19. Feedback is a. positive reinforcement. b. active listening. c. information of one’s performance. d. intense negotiation 20. ‘Values’ is a synonym of a. ‘principles’. b. ‘interests’. c. ‘skills’. d. ‘intelligences’. 21. WHMIS stands for a. Wealth and Health Management and Information System. b. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System. c. Westerners against Hate, Masochism, and Injury of the Self. d. Wisconsin Hazard Management for the Illiterate and Senile. 22. Which is not one of the primary learning styles? a. Auditory. b. Kinetic. c. Spiritual. d. Visual. 23. Which best describes a self-made millionaire? a. Volunteer. b. Entrepreneur. c. Humanitarian. d. Job shadow. 24. A theory that people have multiple kinds of intelligences is a. the ‘multiple intelligences’. b. the ‘left and right’ theory. c. the Reineker hypothesis. d. the theory of Balkanization. 25. A field of work is a. an area where work is done, such as an office. b. a rating system for one’s career. c. a grouping of related occupations. d. a slang term for all the résumés an employer has received and must go through for a particular position.

1. Principles never change. a. True. b. False. 2. Abuse has a negative effect on people. a. True. b. False. 3. “I” messages focus on you and how you feel, making it sound as if you are verbally attacking the other person. a. True. b. False. 4. In a résumé, the objective is the area that states what job you want. a. True. b. False. 5. Provincial laws have rules for employing people. a. True. b. False. 6. Encouraging people may cause them to work less effectively. a. True. b. False. 7. Tapping into your talents will help augment your personal bank account. a. True. b. False. 8. Avoiding responsibility will free you from guilt and contribute to your personal bank account. a. True. b. False. 9. Friends are the most important thing in life. a. True. b. False. 10. Those who think before they talk succeed more. a. True. b. False. 11. Potential is the collection of unexplored or undeveloped capabilities and possibilities within each person. a. True. b. False. 12. An interest inventory is a specialized form of a bank account. a. True. b. False. 13. Spoken language is the only way to communicate. a. True. b. False. 14. The lowest skill level is high school status. a. True. b. False.

1. The National Occupation Classification is a Canadian occupational classification that categorizes twenty-five thousand occupations according to skill type and level. (3) 2. A job shadow is when you follow someone as they do their job. (1) 3. The Workplace Safety and Insurance Act was created to promote health and insurance benefits. (2) 4. The ten places for developing new skills are extracurricular activities, hobbies or clubs, sports, part-time and summer jobs, volunteer work, leisure activities, homemaking, school-to-work transition programs, after-school lessons or classes, and family and household responsibilities. (10) 5. Personal information you should include on a résumé includes your telephone number, email, and address. (1) 6. Reactive people complain, lay blame, and get angry, as opposed to cool-headed, proactive people. (2) 7. Name any three of the words of the day: [A word of the day], [A word of the day], and [A word of the day]. (3) 8. External values include religion, family, friends, and society; internal influences are one’s personal values. (2) Chances for advancing one’s goals are called opportunities. (1)