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User:Mad dog

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Kyle JamesonAkA Mad Dog hello i atend High School, but on my free time i love to ride my mountain bike. riding my mountain bike is what i love to do. during the summer iswhen i do most of my riding, i travel up to canada for the hole summer, in the time that i am in Canada i do a summer camp that is called Summer Gravity Camps. this camp is very fun, i have mad friends that will probible be in my life for a long time. bust most of all the camp has improved my riding skills so much. when im not on my bike i am hanging out with my friends, i try to do that as much as i can. because school streses me out to the max and then i have to go to work, so i have to hangout with my friends will releeve my strees. the most strees releeving exursize that i do would be mountain biking.