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I am FatMacMan, and I am a Fat, Mac using Man. I grew up with computers before most people grew up with computers, getting my chubby little hands on a Texas Instruments TI-99/4A computer when I was 8 years old and then saving up and buying my first Mac in 1984. While I have not always been fat, which came during high school and after having my appendix removed, I have almost always been into computers. I learned to program that TI and I learned BASIC on an Apple IIe. I made pizza for 8 years before I figured out how to make money working on the computers I know and love.

While I don't hate Windows, I do despise Microsoft with a passion, and I do believe that Microsoft represents all that is wrong with big business: arrogance, lack of creativity, greed and poorly designed products. While I do think Apple is a much better company, I do agree that they can and have exhibited those qualities as well, but at least they do it with style and a bit more integrity.

When I am not working on a computer, I am generally asleep or running forced errands. In all I would estimate that I am in front of a radiation spewing monitor no less than 16 hours a day, unless fate pulls me away. Is that wrong?

These days, I work for a large company that has tens of thousands of Windows systems and about 90 Macs. I support the Mac infrastructure and am the help desk for almost all Mac issues, deferring some of the application level issues to a co-worker. I am also the company’s resident FileMaker Pro database programmer and administrator, running 2 dedicated FMP servers and some 150+ databases for various departments.