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Epsilon3, Super Genius from Outer Space[edit]

Epsilon is Stephen Huff, B.S. (Microbiology/Chemistry), M.S. (Biology), M.C.S.E. (Win 2000). I am an IT instructor and programmer (VC++, HTML, ASP.NET, VB, etc...). I am also currently working on a PhD in Molecular Genomics (wow!).

I have authored 13 novels, 100 short stories, 1100 poems, and a dozen C++/ASP.net applications. Look for my e-books all over the net. Google:

Legal Software[edit]

VFTPX - High Speed FTP Client
Vendatron - ASP-Based e-Commerce

Illegal Software[edit]

I programmed three mass advertising programs with high-speed data miners that are now illegal, thanks to the CanSpam act, which is stupid and unconstitutional.

Available on Amazon.com in Trade Paperback 2005[edit]

Damon Blackley (Horror)

Available on Amazon.com in Trade Paperback 2006[edit]

God's Web (Horror)

Novels (Free e-Books)[edit]

Bad Angel (Horror)
The Oracle of Delphi (Horror)
Kendrick's Monster (Horror)
Johnny Bullet (Horror)
The Warfarer's Exodus (Fantasy)
Draven's Revenge (Fantasy)
A Desert Ocean (Fantasy)

Short Collections[edit]

Alms for the Dying, Psalms for the Dead
Machines of War
Shades of Night
Shores of Silver Seas
Wee, Wicked Whispers

Poetry Collections[edit]

Herald Angels
Storm Warnings and Bellwethers
Graven Stone
I, Madness
Crayon on Concrete

Even Though I Haven't Met You, I Am Probably Your Intellectual Superior[edit]