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User:Hfastedge/short path code

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def DijkstraSP_table_node(graph, S, T, Node):
    table = {}                                                 #3
    for node in graph:
        table[node] = Node(node)                               #1
    table[S] = Node(S, distance=0)                             #2
    cur = min(table.values())                                  #4a
    sentinel = Node(None).distance
    while not cur.visited and cur.distance != sentinel:        #4
        cur.visited = True                                     #4b
        for cdist, child in graph[node]:                       #4c
            ndist = distance+cdist                             #|
            if not table[child].visited and\                   #|
               ndist < table[child].distance:                  #|
                table[child].distance = ndist                  #|_
        cur = min(table.values())                              #4a
    if not table[T].visited:
        return None
    cur = T                                                    #5
    path = [T]                                                 #|
    while table[cur].parent is not None:                       #|
        path.append(table[cur].parent)                         #|
        cur = path[-1]                                         #|
    path.reverse()                                             #|
    return path                                                #|_