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I'm not really good in this kind of stuff, in fact I'm not good in any kind of writing content for anything, I prefer to do the infrastructure for others who are a lot better in writing than me. I'm the technical kind of programmer, not the creative one.

As you might already have noticed my name is Christian Decker. Snyke is my nickname just to tell you before you're asking. It's not in any case related to my name, in fact I'm often asked how I got my nickname and I must admit I don't know. Some people even flame me because they think I'm unable to spell Snake.

I'm a 19 year old Student from Ticino (Switzerland) and I'm currently going to the Liceo 2 Lugano (highschool if I'm not mistaken) 4th and last year before I go to the ETHZ (Eidgenössisch Technische Hochschule Zürich) where I will finally get a professional education in informatic.

When reading Ticino the first thing you will think probably is "So he a Swiss that speaks Italian". But that's not correct, first of all I'm German, born in Hamburg, and second I don't only speak italian, but evidently german too, and judging by this text a rather good english too (at least I hope so).

What else could you want to know about me? I was born on the 01.10.1984, and I'm a passionated online gamer just like millions of other gamers, with one difference: I always want to know how thinks work and how they are done and I actually spend more time trying out new stuff than gaming anymore. It's this couriosity for the technical that led me to programming, the art of creating new worlds, to be master, to have full control and maybe one day use what I learnt by playing to earn some money or even to get enough to live from. It's all about skill. If I'm good enough I might be taken for some interesting job. But it's also about fun, I play with code.

By now you will think I'm a complete nerd, interested in nothing else but computers, but I myself find it always astonishing how people I thought I could understand often reveal me a new side, and that's what I'm going to do now: I'm the sentimental kind of man. My highest valour is honour, if something is not hard to archieve I will not accept it or make it hard.

I think you should have a pretty detailed image of what I am and what I'm not, it's up to you to find out more about me, and mabe you will find some more facettes of my own.

--Snyke 16:38, 8 Jul 2004 (UTC)