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I am an anonymous contributor with a love for history, with special emphasis on European history and the history of extremist organizations and groups.

I was once a member of various far-left and far-right wing groups; and these associations continue to "haunt me" to this day so I expel as many of those demons by trying to teach others as much about these groups and their history as possible.

I am a fervent believer in maintaining a neutral point of view, even when involved in arguments with right or left-wing elements you might view as being so off the wall that they are not deserving of rational discourse. By writing these individuals off and not maintaining a neutral point of view towards them you only help to give them a martyr complex.

I would be more than willing to discuss any right-wing topic with others, collaborating on new topics, or even working on projects off of Wikipedia that would utilize my extensive knowledge of the far-right wing.