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The name "Zomb1ef1sh" comes from a cluster of ideas bouncing about through my head. I am a comic book obsessor. I talk them, I breathe them, I live them, I love them more than I love myself.

The Rage Against the Machine song "Calm Like a Bomb" was my favorite song at the time. The movie Finding Nemo was also popular at the time. Nemo, the crippled clown fish desperately hoping for his father to save him, was said to be the center of one of the best Disney/Pixar movies of all time. In all honesty, I thought it was good. Very good in fact, but not as good as the acclaim it got.

I began to grow a morbid hatred for that fish. It became the center of almost every conversation I walked into. I hated it, and I hated it with a vengeance. I wanted it to die. Die a million deaths. Die and Die and DIE! I was as calm as a bomb, so to speak. That option was not my choice though. The name "Zomb1ef1sh" popped into my head when thinking of a new screen name. Instead of killing the fish, I became the fish...The Zomb1ef1sh

"Ability can take you to the top but it takes character to keep you there!"